Epson M-Tracer to analyze motion data for sports and industry

Epson M-Tracer

The new Epson M-Tracer designed for sports activities can also be employed for industrial use in order to analyze the motion of equipment. The gadget is a compact wireless motion measurement system which can be strapped on people’s wrists for ease of use.

The M-Tracer utilizes Epson inertial measurement unit or IMU. This is coupled with 3D visualization software that will process the kinetic motion data captured by the IMU. As mentioned earlier, this gadget can also be used to evaluate industrial equipment in terms of motion. So apparently, it is trying to aim at a couple of arenas including sports, rehabilitation, and industry.

Digital cameras and other equipment integrate sensors and accelerometers to measure inertial motion. According to the company, this requires ‘sophisticated arithmetic processing’ and ‘specialized applications knowledge’. This is why many manufacturers refrain from bringing its benefits to the fields of sports and other areas. The Epson M-Tracer intends to take this technology for regular users who could enjoy its benefits.

Epson M-Tracer

“We developed the M-Tracer wireless motion measurement system to enable a broader spectrum of customers to take advantage of sensors,” shares Ryuhei Miyagawa, deputy chief operating officer of Epson’s Microdevices Operations Division. “Motion measurement systems can be used in sports training, for example, to capture reliable data, to perform quantitative analysis, and to identify physical quantities and patterns peculiar to a motion. Athletes can increase motion efficiency by observing the intuitive visualization of stance, trajectory and other factors.”

Epson is collaborating with Associate Professor Yuji Ohgi and Project Associate Professor Ken Ota of the Keio Research Institute at the Shonan-Fujisawa Campus (SFC) over this system. A prototype of the Epson M-Tracer may feature in an upcoming exhibition by the company, along with other IMU system products. With no other specifics available for the Epson M-Tracer, prospective users would have to wait till the official launch of the device.

The Epson M-Tracer development samples can be expected to ship in early 2012.