Hitachi brings in Life Microscope concept pedometer

Hitachi Life Microscope

A pedometer may be among the favorite gadgets of health buffs as it faithfully reflects the amount of hard work put into losing weight. Akihabara News stumbled upon Hitachi’s Life Microscope project in Tokyo which exhibited the a watch-like device serving a purpose similar to the pedometer’s.

The gadget is attributed with a watch-like form factor that makes it wearable around the wrist. Users will apparently be able to keep tabs on their everyday movements through this gadget. Not only is it capable of recording every movement that users make, but it also saves the data through special built-in software.

The Life Microscope can exhibit information on how much the wearer walks or rests throughout the day. This will enable health conscious users to gauge the amount of time that is being spent on each activity. It is engineered to be capable of distinguishing between the wearer’s nap time and working time as also the difference between activities like eating and playing video games.

All those looking forward to shed that extra weight might have to wait for further details regarding the product’s availability and pricing. It may also be useful to doctors monitoring a patient’s activity patterns.