BlackBerry Bold Smartphone can Sing with iTunes


BlacBerry Bold iTunes Research in Motion has elevated its smartphone’s functionality. The recently launch BlackBerry Bold smartphone is said to be the first RIM phone to sync music through iTunes, Apple’s digital media player application.

Recently, RIM made easy IM messaging and e-mail accessing by supporting the Windows Live Services. Now, the company gains the first mobile phone maker recognition to develop a non-Apple device that shows compatibility with Apple’ iTunes.

This has become possible because of a new application from RIM, called BlackBerry Media Sync. This tool would have the ability to allow synchronization of purchased music from iTunes to the BlackBerry Bold. Users can now listen to the iTunes purchased music via the BlackBerry’s in-built stereo speakers. You don’t usually get this kind of experience with the iPhone’s speakers.

If you have read the above lines properly, then you must have noticed that you need to buy iTunes music to groove on the beats via Bold after transferring the iTunes music files to the phone.

The 3G iPhone launch is also in the news. This phone and the predecessor obviously have iTunes capabilities. But the question arises that will BlackBerry Bold give a tough competition to the iPhones.

2 Responses

  1. Azazello

    I thought the Bold was announced and not launched — only a ghostly spec-sheet so far…