Pong Case and Cover arrives for iPad 2

Pong Case And Cover 1

A look at the Pong Case and Cover for the iPad 2 may instantly remind many of the Smart Cover. This option has apparently arrived on the scenario with its own set of 3G-related benefits for the tablet’s users.

Employing just about any case with the Apple’s slab supposedly reduces its 3G transmission power by approximately 75 percent. In a bid to solve this possible issue for users, the Pong offering has made its way onto the scenario. The 3G iPad is said to possess an onboard proximity sensor which is cited reduces transmission power when it comes as close as 10mm to users. But the proximity of owners may not be the only thing which could turn down the slate’s capabilities, for even hard surfaces such as cases can do the same.

Pong Case And Cover 2

It is here that the Pong casing and cover comes into the picture since it claims to execute the function of protecting the device as well as allowing the slab to perform at its optimal level. It does so because the product is designed in a manner which leaves the antenna exposed. Additionally, the company’s antenna technology redistributes electromagnetic radiation. So the sheath proffers functionality and at the same time, it doesn’t miss out on the style factor.

A recent post on Ubergizmo shares that the case comes with the company’s soft faux leather cover which can be folded in a number of ways. Complete with Smart Cover-like technology, the case puts the iPad 2 in sleep mode when closed and wakes the tablet when opened.

The Pong Case and Cover for the iPad 2 can be purchased at a price of $99.99 (approx. Rs. 5,250) from the company’s official website.