JayBird reveals iSport Bluetooth Adapter for iPhone/iPod

JayBird iSport Adapter

Just after shedding some bright light on its classic range of retro SB2 Sportsband Bluetooth headphones, JayBird has now come up with micro-sized iSport Bluetooth Adapter for the iPhone and the iPod, and uSport Universal Bluetooth Adapter to enhance the sound delivered by headphones.

The iSport adapter helps users enable Bluetooth on iPod nano and iPod Classic. Users can now experience bass-rich Bluetooth music and apt-X CD quality audio on their iPhone, iPod or iPad. Also, these apt-X enabling adapters allow users to execute ‘next and back track’ controls on Bluetooth headphones for iPhones.

uSport apadter is compatible with any device with a regular sized headphone jack (3.5mm). Like iSport, uSport also gives the option of apt-X CD quality audio. This slim adapter is created to lay flat on the music device in users’ pocket or to topple as an armband for an unrivaled level of convenience.

JayBird iSport Bluetooth Adapter for iPhone & iPod and uSport Universal Bluetooth Adapter are now available for a regular price of $69 (approx Rs. 3,250).