Stuart Hughes strikes gold with Privé Phone

Stuart Hughes Privé Phone

Stuart Hughes is known to add the ‘bling’ factor to loads of different products. These items include television sets, mobiles, iPhone and iPod Touch, as well as gaming consoles like the Wii and Sony PS3 systems. Whatever they touch seems to turn into a precious commodity. Stuart Hughes along with Privé International has come together to shine out the Privé Phone.

The latest offering is no ordinary handset but is a completely revamped classic brick phone. The Privé Phone is studded with 76 diamonds IF flawless 23ct and drenched in 22ct solid gold circa 900 grams. Besides just possessing the Midas touch, the offering also includes the latest technology WAP as well as color screen and text SMS capability. The stunning product will come packaged with a Privé-Stuart Hughes Design Box fashioned out of granite and exclusively numbered.

Customers will also receive a one year free membership to Privé International which is valued at $20,000. Enclosed within the bundle is a personal membership card to Privé, with which they can take complete advantage of all the luxury amenities the service has to offer. These include vacation properties, yachts and private jet charters.

The Privé Phone from Stuart Hughes bears a price tag of £139,995 (approx. Rs.9,547,155). Although, customers with a phone fetish will have to hurry if they want to get their hands on the exquisite piece as the company has only created 10 limited edition phones at one time.