Garmin-Asus nuvifone G60 to launch this August

Garmin-Asus Nuvifone G60 Garmin-Asus will launch the nuvifone G60 in select markets by August, reports Engadget. The phone is expected to be launched in other markets by the end of this year. This will be Garmin’s first phone to feature Google Android operating system

This GPS centric phone will replace Linux OS with Android. After this move, Garmin-Asus will be offering just two OS to users namely Windows Mobile on their M20 and Android on the G60 and the undisclosed open-OS smartphone.

This phone comes equipped with a dual-band 3.5G/triband and Garmin sat nav. The other specifications of the G60 include 3.5-inch touchscreen, 3 megapixel camera with auto focus, accelerometer and support for Wi-Fi connectivity. It also features Internet connectivity and support for push e-mail, document viewing, multimedia files and Bluetooth.

The delay in the release of the nuvifone G60 was previously blamed on the hardware complexities and custom software. The pair plans to resolve this problem by switching from their own Linux based software to Google Android.

The further details regarding the handset are closely guarded by the company.