Rumored iPhone 3G Indian launch


iPhone 3G The latest buzz surrounding the Apple’s iPhone 3G is its Indian launch. Apparently, the 3G iPhone will hit the Indian markets during the end of August or early September through Vodafone and Airtel.

It is speculated to be carrying almost the same software as the ones in the US market, however some of its features will be customized to match the Indian tariffs. Initially, only the 8 GB model will be launched, rumors say.

With the pre-registration of the iPhone in process, surmounting rumors also say that the iPhone 3G is expected to be priced between Rs. 11,500 and Rs. 12,000.

Well, without the availability of the 3G network and no official announcement made, we wonder how much truth this holds.

One Response

  1. jane

    dear readers,
    i have been waiting for the i phone for so long that now my am in a fix my existing phone is on its last breath cant decide whether to take a grey markwt phone or billing but not best fan of the grey market products so have been pushing my phone thro each day as it goes by. hope the launch happens soon. price is not a big deal for me