Ten Minutes of Chatting on Mobile Phone can Cause Cancer: say Scientists

Talking on Mobile Phone is harmful

Mobile phones cause cancer, well this is not a new information, though there has never been enough evidence on this.

A study by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel has shown that even low levels of radiation from handsets are harmful and encourages the growth of tumors.

Thus scientists say that even ten minutes talk on the mobile phone increases the risk of cancer.

Up till now researchers were unable to find out any evidence that signals from cell phones are harmful but scientists suspected that there may be.

The study undertaken at Weizmann Institute shows that “nonthermal” radiation increases the risk of cancer.

In the study Prof Rony Seger from the Weizmann Institute exposed the rat and human cells to electromagnetic radiation that is similar to that emitted by cell phones, but at one tenth of the power. Even five minutes of exposure led to cell division and growth.

Prof Seger said “The real significance of our findings is that cells are not inert to non-thermal mobile phone radiation. We used radiation power levels that were around one tenth of those produced by a normal mobile. The changes we observed were clearly not caused by heating.”

The study concludes that, not necessarily all the mobile phone users will be affected by cancer. But the extensive use of the mobile phone increases the risk of getting affected. Keeping this in mind, mobile phone users should be careful and should spread the word of awareness regarding the issue.

2 Responses


    The phone my wife is using is getting heated very fast and after reading so much about risk of using mobile phones has given me a shiver as lately she was complaing of headaches and earaches after long conversations in her mobile unit and even I have noticed that her mobile phone compared to other sets gets heated very fast.