Explore dangerous terrain with the SRV-1 Mobile Surveillance Robot

SRV-1 Mobile Robot

After a spurt of new phone, MP3 and other gadget launches that have taken place ever since the New Year began, we are sure that you might need a break from that sort of stuff. And, no we haven’t switched our line of thinking from gadgets to anything else. Here is something that is bound to make all you tech freaks smile. The SRV-1 Mobile Robot, a palmed sized bot is armed with a 32-bit ARM processor and a mini video camera. How cool is that!

The SRV-1 Mobile Robot has a wireless transmitter that interfaces via USB with any PC up to 300 feet away. The Java based host software supports Windows, Mac or Linux OS, and even features a built in server to monitor and control the SRV-1 Mobile Robot with a web browser from anywhere in the world!

Live video that is captured on the SRV-1, updates at a few frames per second and runs at resolutions of up to 320 x 240. The built-in proximity sensors can be toggled on or off to assist when driving the robot manually.

The Robot moves at 20cm-40cm/second, which translates to about ½ mile/hour or 1ft/sec) with variable speed control. There are also four infrared sensors that detect object proximity and allow communication with other robots.

However, before you get all green-eyed reading about the SRV-1 Mobile Robot, you should know that even though it comes fully assembled and ready-to-use, you WILL require to have some basic technical knowledge of JAVA and the command line to set-up the software. So if you have had any experience configuring a basic web server, you should really go ahead and explore the dangerous terrain of your home or office with the SRV-1 Mobile Robot.

One Response

  1. gopal

    hello sir,
    the article was very intersting can you please send some more details regarding the project like how the supply is given to the zigbee module in tx sectyion(i,e which is connected to usb)