OLPC First Customer Uruguay Orders 100k Computers

Made sepcially for developing countries, the one laptop per child project that was founded by Nicholas Negroponte has finally got it’s first order.

OLPC with Uruguay map The government of South American country, Uruguay has officially purchased 100,000 of the so-called “$100 laptop” for schoolchildren aged six to twelve.

The Uruguay Government is planning to reserve the option to place orders for 300,000 more units by 2009.

Negroponte expressed, “We commend Uruguay for being the first country to take concrete actions to provide laptops to all its children and teachers and look forward to other countries following this example.”

Earlier, the foundation had announced they would sell the low-cost OLPC XO laptop for $100. However, the price has recently pushed up to around $200.

With the intentions to delivers the low-priced laptop to the world’s poor children, OLPC has really worked hard to offer this notebook PC to educational purposes. However, the production has been delayed due to the “Buy 1, Give 1″ promotion that will start this holiday season.