Sony prepares PSP-4000 with sliding screen: Rumor

Sony PSP Unit

Rumors have surfaced on the online media terrain, revealing that Sony’s latest gaming device under the PSP platform is on its way. According to VG247, Sony is working on a new iteration to the Sony PSP – supposedly called the PSP-4000 that comes with a sliding screen.

This gossip is said to be backed by the “highly-trusted source” of VG247. The site also states – the source has confirmed that the device is not the PSP2 or the successor of the available PSP handheld console but a “complete aesthetic overhaul”.

The rumored PSP-4000 is expected to be announced at GDC or E3, sometime in December this year. However, there is no word on the pricing as yet.

Another round of news whisper that Sony has denied the launch of the second generation PlayStation Portable (PSP2). Even though the buzz is refuted by the company, the rumors suggest that a new edition of PSP will strongly make it to the market and it will presumably lack a UMC disc drive, in words of Kotatu. It is still unclear to comment on when the news will emerge as a confirmed announcement.

All we can do for the moment is wait for the reports to get official from Sony’s side.

One Response

  1. Brennon Tubaugh

    I think they should put ina second analog stick for the first person shooter games. This is not only my opinion, but everyone I know that has a psp feels the same way.