Microsoft quits HD DVD for Xbox 360


Microsoft Xbox 360 The latest update on the Blu-ray and high-definition video format says that many retailers have loosened their ties with the HD DVD player segment. Recently, even Warner Bros. Entertainment along with several other industry giants announced their break-up with HD DVD business. Microsoft is also following the same foot steps.

Microsoft has planned to discontinue the development of HD DVD players for its Xbox 360 video game system. The company would rather choose Sony’s Blu-ray format.

However, Microsoft will continue to offer standard product and warranty support for the popular gaming console’s HD DVD player in the market. In addition, the company will sell the existing stock of the HD DVD players after slashing the price by over half the actual one.

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 game console includes a standard DVD player, and customers can buy an HD DVD machine to use with the console at $119.99 through retailers such as

Microsoft shows an optimistic spirit and believes that this decision will not have any big material impact on the Xbox 360 platform or its position in the marketplace.

One Response

  1. Steve

    Garbage. HD DVD is something that will never be in my house. To buy for $120, your crazy. Should be giving them away for the short life.