Sony says GoodBye to 20GB and 60GB PS3 Models in Japan

Sony 20GB and 60GB PS3 Sony has made a decision to discontinue the shipment of its PlayStation 3 models with 20GB and 60GB HDD, in Japan. The company said that they want to emphasize more on the 40GB model that does not come with backward compatibility.

According to reports, the final shipment of the 20GB and 60GB models are expected to roll out throughout this month in the Japanese market. It will launch new models to respond to end-user preferences sometime in the future.

Sony has already ended the 20GB and 60GB models in the US and the company has shifted its attention only on the 80 and 40GB configurations which are currently at retail. The company will also continue to read and evaluate market trends and communicate with consumers to decide suitable configurations for each territory.

This single and cost-effective 40GB console (Â¥39,980) is cheaper than even the 20GB (Â¥44,980) model. Doesn’t it sound strange that high capacity version cost less as compared to the lower capacity? It is essentially because of the lack of backward compatibility, which allows only working on the latest games compiled for the gaming powerhouse.

The 40GB PS3 (CECHH00 Series) model introduced in November 2007, sports two USB ports and doesn’t support PS2 games. It is equipped with the core technology components, making PS3 the most advanced high-definition entertainment system while realizing lower power consumption.