Saitek Independent Flight Simulator LCDs introduced

When I was in my second year of degree, my friend left college for pursuing a career as a pilot. At that time, even I wanted to do the same. But somehow couldn’t join her. And now after so many years there’s something that gets close to it as Saitek completes my dreams.

Saitek Flight Simulator LCDs

Saitek has presented the latest unnamed product that has the capacity to display different customizable information from the game on three separate LCDs for flight stimulators for aircraft gauging.

The trio-LCDs help the user to view information from an integrated separate module.

Currently, Saitek LCD for flight simulators will support various flight simulators such as Flight Simulator X. Apparently it will start working on other games as well. The user can attach this multiple display to the PC.

The Saitek LCD will be available this fall for $99 (approx. Rs. 4000).