Conceptual Costume Samsung 2.5-inch HDD for Women

Here is a conceptual electronic gadget for the ladies. It’s a hard disk drive and its in the conceptual stage for now. Whenever a designer creates a product solely for women, the only thing that strikes to mind is the color pink. And if in case the product does not sport any pink color, then it probably has something to do about make-up! Similarly, this HDD also talks more about the looks and design rather than its storage space and other technical aspects. Agreed that it’s in the conceptual stage, but can we have a few specs at least, if not all?

Costume Samsung HDD

Designed by Joongoo Lee, the Costume Samsung 2.5-inch hard drive has been inspired by make-up compact. Thank God (oops Lee), this hard drive does not shine in pink and chooses to have a piano black finish. This compact concept drive can easily fit in the palm of your hand and even slide into your purse.

The Samsung Costume drive does look quite sleek and good but , we hope it reaches the production stage.