64GB SATA II SSDs in 1.8-inch and 2.5-inch Sampled by Samsung

Samsung 64GB SATA II SSD Samsung has announced that they will sample its new 1.8-inch and 2.5-inch 64GB solid state drives (SSD) that comes with a super-fast SATA II/native SATA interface.

According to company, the sample SATA II SSD delivers a write speed of 100 MBps, whereas the read speed is 120 Mbps. Thus, this product has been developed for notebooks to corporate servers and other high-performance storage applications.

Jim Elliott, director, NAND flash marketing, Samsung Semiconductor Inc, maintained “The 64 GB SATA II SSD is based on Samsung’s cutting-edge NAND technology with dramatically improved performance specs that are taking system performance to a whole new level of efficiency.”

This 64 GB SATA II SSD consumes half as much power as the 1.9 watts, which is now used in notebook PCs, while only one-tenth the power consumed by enterprise-class 15,000 rpm hard drives in servers. It also offers a 3 Gbps interface speed that is twice as fast as its SATA I predecessor.

In addition, the new solid state drives combines a 50 nm-class, single-level-cell (SLC) 8 GB flash chip with a Samsung proprietary, high-speed SATA controller and supporting software.