Hammacher Schlemmer’s Universal Remote Control works on Voice Commands

Universal Remote Control Hammacher Schlemmer offers a universal remote control that works on voice commands. It’s a very good device for the lazy people who often get tired to operate buttons of regular remote control.

It’s a universal remote, thus it works with TV, DVD, VCR, DVR, Cable Box and other such devices.

Users also use its voice recognition system when they feel bored of pushing the remote’s buttons. Users can use pre-programmed commands such as “news”, “sports” set up for with particular channels.

The help key guides users through setting up commands. They can also be operated manually.

The Voice Command Universal Remote Control is powered by four AAA batteries and it measures 7″ H x 2″ W x 2 1/3″ L. Hammacher Schlemmer has made the new remote control available in the market for a price of $49.95 (around Rs. 2,020).