Hikari iFrame Android powered tablet PC doubles as digital photo frame

NTT Hikari iFrame

NTT (precisely NTT East) takes multi-tasking to the upper level of superiority with a new offering which is all set to woo users with its multi-purpose capabilities. According to Crunchgear, TechCrunch Japan reports an all new Hikari iFrame, an Android powered tablet PC that also doubles as a digital photo frame. Interesting! Well, it supposedly brings in ease of use without much ado.

Reportedly, the device is all set to debut in Japan while NTT East offers a dedicated product website [JP], introducing it as a lifestyle product. Its spec sheet is expected to feature 7-inch touch panel to view content, speaker, alarm clock and internal battery.

Apparently, the device equips a USB port for easy transfer while SD memory card support makes it all the more desirable. However, the highlight of the device is supposedly its support for Wi-Fi, enabling easier web access.

An extensive use of widgets has also been reported. Seemingly, the once not so accepted Android has now sustained a position in the market. It’s incorporated in a broader range of products. Infact, NTT East has revealed that the OS has helped reduce costs by 20 to 30 percent.

The Hikari iFrame will initially be released in Japan next year. It is expected to carry a price tag somewhere between $220 and $330.