Belkin Battery Backup with detachable Flashlight saves users from losing valuable data due to power cuts

Belkin Battery Backup When the power goes off, what is one to do when the computer automatically shuts down, and their work disappears into thin air? How many times have we had to undergo this tiresome experience? Well now, you won’t have to fret any more, that is only if you have Belkin’s new Battery backup with a detachable flashlight.

The Belkin Battery Backup keeps the user’s connected equipment on, be it a PC or a notebook, even when the power suddenly goes off. This provides the user with ample time to shut down and prevent any loss of data or even hardware damages for that matter.

Moreover, the flashlight on the Belkin battery Backup immediately turns on when the power goes off, and this provides users with a convenient and portable light source. Besides, you can also find your way to the door, as the flashlight is a detachable one.

Very thoughtful on Belkin’s part, we say! The Belkin Battery Backup with Flashlight will be available in mid-February, when the Belkin Battery Backup device launches in the Asian, European and Australian markets.