Talking Digital Paper invented by Swedish Scientists

The researchers from Mid Sweden University have created an interactive paper billboard that can communicate with computers.

Talking Digital Paper This new revolutionary interactive paper technology can emit recorded sound in response to a user’s touch. When the person touches a picture or text, he or she hears the audiovisual message. In this device, conductive inks are the key, and speakers installed in the billboard are the mechanism.

This large display speaking board probably can be used for advertising a product, event, campaign and even for marketing.

According to Mikael Gulliksson, project leader for media technology in the comprehensive research project, “We combine paper with printed graphic codes and electronically conductive ink that is engineered to be sensitive to pressure. Then digital information is embedded in the paper, and when it is touched, the information comes out via printed speakers.”

“One interesting idea would be to use it on cigarette packaging, so instead of having a written message warning you of dangers to your health, you would have a spoken one,” Dr. Gulliksson continues.

The new display technology is very expensive to produce. However, the researchers aim to find ways of lowering the costs to make the boards easier to change and replace.

Research teams who are working on this product are from the Mid Sweden University forestry industry research program Fiber Science, and Communication Network (FSCN).

Hope the technology will help integrate paper with the digital world.