Free upgrades for Modbook Announced

The maker of the first Mac Tablet – the ModBook has started giving free upgrades to the buyers who pre-ordered the Modbook.

The customized MacBook by Other World Computing (OWC), the Modbook features a 13.3″ glossy touch sensitive rotation display. Besides, it includes the option of replacing the optical drive with a second hard disk for upto 500GB of storage. It even has the option of choosing addition 3GB of memory over the standard 2GB available and upto 3 years warranty.

The ModBook now comes with specs similar to the recent MacBook updates with an extra 160MHz, some more RAM and disk space, totally free. According to OWC, they’ve increased the sensitivity of the tablet’s screen to 512 levels, from 256.

The machine could be shipping by the end of June. The ModBook costs $3671 excluding tax or shipping.