PlayStation Move Navigation Controller christened

PlayStation Move Navigation Controller

Back in January, we had reported that Sony is planning to unleash the PlayStation Move controller this autumn. The company continues to divulge more information on the device as the release date draws closer. As Engadget suggests, the PlayStation Move is set to feature a sub-controller as well which is dubbed by the company as the Navigation Controller.

The latest sub-controller from Sony just made its way into the FCC and the name Navigation Controller is seen etched on the label in bold letters. The device whose part number is noted to be CECH-ZCS1U is great for indulging in most 3D games. The official PlayStation website has also revealed more details on the Navigation Controller.

The PlayStation Move supplementary controller is wireless and sports an analog stick, directional buttons and two shoulder buttons. Players can employ the device to navigate the in-game character. It also offers easy and intuitive XMB menu navigation as well as an integrated Li-ion battery.

With this new inclusion, it seems like the Wii Motion Control along with its sub-controller dubbed as the Nunchuk may have to look out for competition this fall.