PS3 now gets more affordable

Sony PS3

Gaming is a passion for many people today. Now gamers in India can gear up for a pleasant surprise as the PlayStation 3 slashes its prices.

The 80GB PS3 has now been made available for Rs 19,990 that comes to a clear 20% drop in price. Its not just the price cut that this PS3 offers, it also comes with 2 Free Games namely Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and GT5 Prologue.

Commenting on this, Atindriya Bose, Sony Computer Entertainment said “We stand committed to develop gaming as a coveted interactive entertainment avenue for the Indians. The high adoption of Playstation by the Indian consumers will be further fuelled by the new prices and offerings before the Indian festive seasons. The new sub – 20K price on PS3 not only positions it as an attractive gaming console but makes it perhaps the best value for money Blu-Ray entertainment device for the family. ”

For all Indian gamers this festive season is the perfect time to go grab this console as all the Playstation models have attractive freebies and affordable price tags that will come along with them.

PS3 claims to have lived up to gamer’s expectations as it is packed with every thing that they expected. The current lowered rates will act as a further add-on and make this High Definition gaming experience more accessible.

The features of the PS3 include a truly next generation game play. This device also brings along the ability to view High Definition Blu-Ray movies. The PS3 console comes packaged with a Wireless Controller, Wireless Internet and HDMI connectivity all powered by the Cell Broadband Engine, the digital heart of PS3.

The availability of this device is still under wraps.