Sony Patents PSP-Sixaxis Interface

Sony PSP and PS3 Controller

Last week, Sony filed an application with the US Patent Office for a control docking unit. This control docking system will connect to the user’s PSP to the PS3’s SIXAXIS controller.

This is what was featured on the official website of the US Patent Office:

A control docking unit configured to accept a portable processing unit and provide alternate control operation of the portable processing unit. The control docking unit can be configured to position a display on the portable processing unit to facilitate use of one or more controls provided on the control docking unit. The control docking unit can position the display of the portable processing unit in a fixed or variable position.

The controls from the docking unit can be coupled to the portable processing unit using an electrical, mechanical, or electromechanical interface. The electrical interface can be a wired or wireless communication link. The controls on the control docking unit can be configured to be substantially in the same configuration as a control unit for a similar fixed device. The portable processing unit can be configured to provide additional functions, features, or enhanced operation when coupled to the control docking unit.

After joining the PSP to the PS2 or PS3 controller will look odd but it would definitely provide much needed second stick to PSP.

Also, there is another possibility of usage of the device as a second screen for PS2 or PS3 games.

Now we’ll have to wait for the confirmed news from Sony for the precise features and specifications of the newly patented device.