New Nintendo Wii Remote Jacket Accessory to Ship Soon

Nintendo Wii Remote Jacket Nintendo has announced the availability of its new durable accessory, called the Wii Remote Jacket, a silicon cover for the Wii Remote.

The jacket comes equipped with all the Wii hardware systems, all Wii Remotes sold separately or packaged with Wii Play and cushioning for the Wii Remote to protect the remote from getting damaged while playing or accidentally throwing or dropping the remote.

The purpose behind the development of the jacket is to supplement the basic game-play instruction and not to replace the same. With the jacket, the instructions available include keep a firm grip, don’t let go off the controller, use the wrist strap and make sure your play area is free of people or objects.

Moreover, it also provides an opportunity for the user to add or remove the jacket easily whenever required. For instance, to switch from jacket to the upcoming Wii Zapper or any other Wii remote accessory, these add or remove feature helps the users to easily slip.

“We’re always looking for ways to improve our products and make sure everyone has a safe and fun experience. Many electronics manufacturers provide similar protective covers for products like cell phones, PDAs and MP3 players,” expressed George Harrison, Nintendo of America’s senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications.

Owners who already own the Wii and want Wii Remote along with the jacket can visit the sites such as or Good news is that you will get the jacket free of cost!

Nintendo has already started taking orders of the Nintendo Wii Remote Jacket from today. However, the accessory will start shipping from 15th October 2007.