Best Baby Gadgets

Best Baby Gadgets

While picking out the best baby gadgets, we stumbled upon several pieces of technology which seem to understand that raising a child may be pleasant, but it’s definitely not an easy task and these candidates offer to help with some of the routines. Coming to the aid of parents, the list takes you through devices which assist you in handling several big and small responsibilities associated with one of the most cherished relations in the world. We have considered the ‘growing’ needs of infants and their parents as well while choosing our baby gadgets list. So even if you’re not a new parent, you might want to take a look at this compilation. Your gift pick for a friend or family might just turn out to be an extra helping hand.

1 – Summer Infant Video Monitor Set:

Summer Infant Video Monitor Set

We agree that you would never want to leave your baby alone. But sometimes you don’t have an option. You are not going very far away, but even leaving the crib-side might feel like reckless behavior, especially when it comes to new parents. And some errands just can’t wait, can they? A gadget can help in case of such dilemmas. The video monitor set by Summer Infant is a 3-piece device, the webcam part of which can be placed near the baby to monitor every move it makes, whether asleep or awake. It comes with 7-inch LCD screen as well as a 1.8-inch handheld unit, both of which are incorporated with speakers. Priced at $260 (approx. Rs. 13,000), it offers a wide range of connectivity. The arrangement of LED lights also makes it suitable for night use.

2 – Onaroo Personal Baby Assistant:

Onaroo Personal Baby Assistant

Caring for little ones and looking after their needs is supposed to be the complete responsibility of parents. It sure sounds like a very dear job, but it can turn out to be really hectic sometimes. Keeping track of your infant’s activities like eating, drinking, sleeping, and gradually changing timings for the same can take a toll on your health and sometimes your memory too. A little help here from technology can be useful to care for your baby’s need by monitoring such activities so you don’t have to lose sleep over it. This is exactly why we decided to include the Onaroo personal baby assistant in our baby gadgets compilation. It acts like your digital diary to note down the everyday growth, requirements and timings of your tiny tot. Plus, it syncs with PBA online where you can store and access all the records you’ve entered. The price tag for this one reads $49.95 (approx. Rs. 2,500).

3 – Philips Avent Express Baby Food and Bottle Warmer:

Philips Avent Bottle Warmer

Food is one of the most important factors affecting your young one’s growth. And this special being needs a little extra care in these matters. Of course, there are conventional appliances like gas burners, microwaves and ovens these days, but wouldn’t you like something that can prepare food at just the right temperature you toddler needs, while also taking ample care of the delicate utensils used? If you agree with us, then our roster of baby gadgets has the Philips Avent Express Baby Food and Bottle Warmer. As the name suggests, it is a suitable device to warm those milk bottles and even food. It can warm approximately 4 ounces of milk in around 4 minutes and works through an electric connection. It can be picked at a price of $49.99 (approx. Rs. 2,500).

4 – Philips Avent Electric Steam Sterilizer:

Electric Steam Sterilizer

Now after you feed your baby and he/she is safely snoozing away, you might want to get down to cleaning all those utensils used. Just like your kids, the stuff you use in the process of nurturing them will also need special care. To serve this purpose, here is another candidate from Philips Avent with a price label of $72.95 (approx. Rs. 3,700). This electric steam sterilizer cleans milk bottles and other containers by means of a steam mechanism. After it is filled with water, it takes a maximum eight minutes to clean and sterilize all the equipment. Also, if you leave the box unopened, the content is said to remain in a sterilized condition for up to the next six hours.

5 – Graco Sweet Slumber Sound Machine:

Graco Sweet Slumber

Putting kids to sleep is usually no trouble. But when it turns out to be otherwise and even lullabies won’t work, most new parents are clueless as to how to make their child take some rest and get some sleep themselves. If you’ve considered options like sound or music therapy, but don’t know how to implement it, then we have the Graco Sweet Slumber Sound Machine featured in our list. It comes with 12 pre-recorded sounds like white noise, nature sounds and more, which should put your little one or even you into a peaceful slumber. Also equipped with a soft glow night light, this one can be purchased for $39.99 (approx. Rs. 2,000).

6 – LectraLock electrical outlet covers:


Parents or not, we may have worried about this next problem at some point or the other. The curious nature of toddlers leads them to explore all the things around them. We can’t expect the electrical outlets within their reach to be left out. But it seems like a simple outlet cover won’t suffice, because they are again left exposed when in use, which is just as hazardous. For this reason, LectraLock covers look like a good option to fit onto your electrical outlets. The company has a collection of several designs based on the structure of your power outlet. Prices start from $6.95 (approx. Rs. 350).

Here’s where we conclude our list of best baby gadgets. But if you’ve spotted a device which seems useful or has helped you with bringing up your toddler, do let us know about it.