iPhone gets Bluetooth Keyboard

iPhone Bluetooth Keyboard

Those who always wished to use a keyboard with their iPhone will be enthralled with this piece of news. According to Gizmodo, Ringwald reveals that users can now connect a Bluetooth keyboard to their iPhone. The Apple device is almost like a computing machine and the support for a keyboard would further extend its flexibility.

However, users would need to jailbreak their iPhone to do so. Users supposedly need to download the driver from Cydia. Then simply install the demo app and the keyboard connects to the iPhone. This driver available through Cydia is based on the open source BTstack project.

Apparently, this is possible using the iPhone 3G, 3GS or second generation iPod Touch. However, users can connect the keyboard only within the app.

The revolutionary Apple device has taken the market by storm with its renowned touchscreen ability. We wonder if it would ever come integrated with a keypad.