Cupid and Sprint offers LG Lotus, Samsung Rant and Instinct mobile phones

LG Lotus, Samsung Rant and Instinct

Sprint and Cupid have teamed up to offer three popular mobile phones, namely the LG Lotus, Samsung Rant and Samsung Instinct.

The LG Lotus offered via Sprint will be available in a fashionable purple color and is a perfect blend of style and technology. It is a slender clamshell phone that features a full QWERTY keypad. The stylish mobile phone sports a 2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth connectivity and a music player. The LG Lotus phone also offers enhanced internet features and various services offered exclusively through Sprint.

Next up is the Samsung Rant mobile phone which is an excellent phone for text messaging addicts that comprises of complete text, email, instant messaging and voice SMS features. The phone includes a 2 megapixel camera, speaker-independent voice recognition, Bluetooth, full QWERTY keypad and memory expandable upto 8GB. The phone also includes Sprint’s customizable one click service that offers easy access to the Sprint Music Store, Sprint TV and Sprint Navigation.

Finally, the duo will also be revealing the Samsung Instinct mobile phone which will be available in a doting pink. Boasting of full touch screen functionality, the phone includes many powerful features like a 2 megapixel camera, Bluetooth with audible caller ID, Visual Voice mail, expansion of memory upto 8GB and more. The award winning Samsung Instinct phone also allows users to access the IBM Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange Server.

The three phones will certainly help users plan out their special day in a unique way. Sprint’s Navigation service will provide much needed information about restaurants, movies, or even the perfect romantic spot. For users planning to spend the day watching the most romantic movies, Sprint Movies is also offering various romantic movies like My Best Friend’s Wedding, Spanglish, Singles, America’s Sweethearts and more.

The LG Lotus phone is available for just $99.99 after $50 mail in rebate and with a two year contract. The Samsung Rant retails at $49.99 while the Samsung Instinct will cost just $99.99 after $100 mail in rebate and a two year service agreement.