Nokia and Vivendi together for Crash Bandicoot on N-Gage Mobile Gaming Platform

A week ago, Nokia had announced I-play for N-Gage.


Today, Nokia and Vivendi Games Mobile have announced their partnership to bring the legendary Crash Bandicoot franchise to Nokia’s new N-Gage.

Vivendi Games Mobile, a division of Vivendi Games, creates and publishes quality titles for the mobile games market.

Gregg Sauter, Nokia’s director of third party publishing, “Vivendi Games Mobile is one of the most respected publishers in mobile gaming. Crash Bandicoot is a gaming icon as well as a global powerhouse, having sold more than 33 million units worldwide. With its fun appeal to people of all ages and incredible graphics, the Crash Bandicoot franchise is the perfect fit for N-Gage.”

“We are excited to offer Nokia customers the opportunity to enter the thrilling world of Crash Bandicoot and play a number of award winning titles from the popular Crash franchise. We look forward to working with Nokia to offer entertaining, innovative mobile games that tap into the performance and innovation of the N-Gage application and Nokia’s mobile devices,” said Paul Maglione, president of Vivendi Games Mobile.

Following the original storyline, the Crash Bandicoot is the a heady mix of action and comedy where the crazy marsupial must save the world. The player need to take the role of Crash to defeat the game’s villain who is also a mad scientist called Dr. Neo Cortex.